Miles One Month Milestones:
- He grunts and coo’s
- He has started tracking objects with his eyes
- He can hold his head up for periods of time on his own
- He is sleeping in solid 3 hour intervals most nights, YAY!
- He can scoot himself using his arms and legs across the sofa
Ten Things I’ve Learned My First Month of Motherhood:
- I’m not a bad mom for not being able to nurse him. Formula is working out just fine and has everything he needs to be a healthy, happy baby.
- I need to take care of myself in order to take care of him.
- It’s okay to want alone time away from him, keeping my sanity is a must.
- It’s perfectly normal to not brush your teeth until 2:00 in the afternoon.
- When you have a child, time passes a million times faster. True story.
- Poop, throw-up and boogers aren't that bad.
- When he gets hurt or sick, I wish it could be me instead.
- Father/ Son relationships are SO sweet. Seeing Mason and Miles together melts my heart instantly.
- Being a stay at home mom is never boring, ever. My old 40 hour work week was a piece of cake compared to this.
- His smile cures everything, even on the worst of days.
Five Things No One Told Me About Motherhood:
- Breast feeding is almost as hard as giving birth.
- Your life changes overnight and it’s okay to feel scared.
- You’ll be more emotional than you were when you were pregnant.
- You will learn to function on four hours sleep a night.
- You’ll give your life, no questions asked, to this person you just met. It's Instant, amazing love.
Moments From Miles First Month: