Thursday, April 29, 2010

8 weeks

There it is, the first "baby bump" picture at 8 weeks! We are 20% of the way there and boy, am I starting to feel it!

Baby changes this week:
Our baby is the size of a raspberry this week! He or she has already reached it's first graduation stage. Goodbye embryo, hello fetus! It has ended his or her embryonic stage and is entering into the fetal period. It's webbed fingers and toes are poking out from our baby's hands and feet, It's eyelids practically cover it's eyes and breathing tubes extend from it's throat to the branches of his or hers developing lungs.

Things I've been experiencing this week:
Extreme fatigue, nauseousness, food aversions, headaches and a 2 pound total weight gain.

Thank you all for being so uplifting and supportive with your comments thus far! It’s so comforting to know that you guys are there for Mason and I, we really appreciate it!

Friday, April 9, 2010

5 Weeks

As of today, we are about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. My first doctors appointment was yesterday which, to my surprise, was nothing like what I had expected. After being pricked and poked about a dozen times they sent me home to wait on the blood work to confirm our pregnancy. I received a call from the doctor this afternoon congratulating us on our new addition! I will be going in for my first REAL prenatal appointment and 8 week check up on April, 29th (oh the anticipation!)

Baby changes this week:
Our baby is about the size of a sweet pea. It's central nervous system, muscles, bones and even the heart are beginning to form. During this week, It's heart will begin to divide into separate chambers and start pumping blood. Other organs that will develop from this layer include the muscles, cartilage, and bone. During pregnancy week 5, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord are also developing.

Things I've been experiencing this week:
Feeling nauseous at night, forgetfulness, frequent naps, bloating and being constantly on edge.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

We're Pregnant!

There it is people, the positive pregnancy test! Pretty crazy, huh?