Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Miles is 1 Month Old!

As of January the 7th Miles turned one month old! I absolutely cannot believe that a month has passed and he has grown so much already. Everyday I watch him and am filled with so much joy...It's indescribable. What an incredible gift Mason and I have been blessed with. He is our world.

Miles One Month Milestones:
  1. He grunts and coo’s 
  2. He has started tracking objects with his eyes
  3. He can hold his head up for periods of time on his own
  4. He is sleeping in solid 3 hour intervals most nights, YAY!
  5. He can scoot himself using his arms and legs across the sofa
Ten Things I’ve Learned My First Month of Motherhood:
  1. I’m not a bad mom for not being able to nurse him. Formula is working out just fine and has everything he needs to be a healthy, happy baby. 
  2. I need to take care of myself in order to take care of him.
  3. It’s okay to want alone time away from him, keeping my sanity is a must.
  4. It’s perfectly normal to not brush your teeth until 2:00 in the afternoon.
  5. When you have a child, time passes a million times faster. True story.
  6. Poop, throw-up and boogers aren't that bad.
  7. When he gets hurt or sick, I wish it could be me instead.
  8. Father/ Son relationships are SO sweet. Seeing Mason and Miles together melts my heart instantly. 
  9. Being a stay at home mom is never boring, ever. My old 40 hour work week was a piece of cake compared to this.
  10. His smile cures everything, even on the worst of days.
Five Things No One Told Me About Motherhood:
  1. Breast feeding is almost as hard as giving birth.
  2. Your life changes overnight and it’s okay to feel scared.
  3. You’ll be more emotional than you were when you were pregnant.
  4. You will learn to function on four hours sleep a night.
  5. You’ll give your life, no questions asked, to this person you just met. It's Instant, amazing love.
Moments From Miles First Month:

Miles is here!

Miles Edward Ferguson
December 7, 2010
7 pounds. 6 ounces.
20 inches long